Surrey First believes that we manage our growth as a city in a sustainable manner. With a landmass larger than Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby combined, we have embraced the opportunity to be a leader in environmental protection. To date, accomplishments have included:
- Biodiversity conservation strategy first of its kind in Metro Vancouver that will protect green space.
Natural area management
- Over 7,900 acres of green space
- Added 726 acres of park land
- 93,000 total trees planted
- 75,000 street trees planted
- 1,586 acres of riparian area
- 2,000 acres of natural space to be protected over and above currently protected
- Greenway master plan provides for pedestrian and bicycle-friendly transportation infrastructure.
- Ecosystem management plan conducted a study to inventory environmental features and ecological assets in a scientific manner and strategy to sustain it with a Green Infrastructure Network with a tiered system of Hubs, Sites, Corridors and a Matrix.
- Shade tree management plan developed to ensure the sustainment of public trees that provide natural shading.
- Green Surrey strategy launched to foster healthy ecosystems and preserve our natural, living environment by protecting green space, investing in environmental infrastructure, and engaging citizens and businesses.
- Climate action plan that aims to reduce greenhouse emissions while taking steps to help the city adapt to a changing climate, with an 18% reduction in GHG from 2009-2011.
- Sustainability charter established a 50-year vision for what a sustainable city looks like and maps out a process to get there.
- District energy centre completed, that will enable heated or cooled water to be distributed to city buildings through network of pipes to reduce energy consumption.
- Biofuel facility to be completed in 2017 will be the 1 st closed loop system in North America by processing organics to alternative fuel that will fuel city vehicles
- 14 electrical charging stations installed.
- Greened fleet with aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020; city awarded E3 Fleet Gold Rating Award by Fraser Basin Council for progress in sustainability.
- City moved to a fleet of waste trucks which use compressed natural gas, emitting 23% less GHG and 90% less air particulates.
- Diverted 70% of organic waste from landfills.
- Surrey First launched the region’s first eco-centre, a one-stop shop for recycling that aims to divert 80% of waste from land-fills.
- 210 km of cycling pedestrian and cycling paths.
- Continue with the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy commitment to protect 10,000 acres of natural space throughout the development of Surrey.
- Strengthen tree-protection bylaws to ensure the protection of trees and increase natural canopy coverage over time.
- Begin planning work for additional district energy hubs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move the city towards energy self-sufficiency.
- Launch a Cleantech Centre for Excellence in partnership with the Surrey City Development Corporation to provide facility space and Simon Fraser University and local cleantech businesses to create an Industry Chair for Clean Technology.